*DIAMOND (DIAgnosis and Management Of lysosomal acid lipase deficiency Nationwide cohort Design *SAPPHIRE (Swiss Awareness Program for Primary Hypercholesterolemia: Identification of Risk Elevationin Families with High Cholesterol) *EMERALD (Efficient Management and Early patient Recognition by pedigree Analysis in Lipid Disorders)
diagene Research Institute
• basic research projects in the
field of genetics of metabolic, car-
diovascular and neurodegenerative
The Research Institute is supported
by public and private foundations
as well as by the industry (s. chap-
ter: About)
• clinical research projects (con-
tract research)
diagene Routine Laboratories
• genetic testing
• clinical chemistry
diagene Outpatient Clinic
• diagnosis and treatment of
metabolic disorders such as lipid
disorders (e.g. familial hyperchol-
• cardiovascular risk assessment
based on clinical, laboratory and
radiology examinations